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MACA Design Co. is a Melbourne/Regional Victoria based Landscape and  Design Consultant.
With a love and passion for all things design, the outdoors and the smaller details that shows in every project that is created at our studio.
MACA Design Co. has over 15 years in the construction industry specializing in residential and commercial, landscape and architectural design both in New Zealand and Australia.

For more information, get in touch today!

"It's the little details that are vital,
little things make big things happen"


MACA Design Co. provides a highly personalized services that produces design solutions

for every unique and beautiful project.

A thorough design process ensures that we exceed client expectations and provide for creative, sustainable landscapes that will retain their aesthetic appeal into the future. 

No matter what your individual needs or preferences, our passionate, experienced design team will be able to craft the perfect solution for you. 

Home: Services

Architectural Design

Landscape Design


 Design Consultants

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“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”

Steve Jobs
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